
  • €2.99
  • Delivery Time: 2-3 days
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Condition: new


Save extra and fill up your kitchen cupboard with a true Senseo classic.With this pack you'll receive 48 Senseo pods, so you'll have enough in stock for a while.Senseo Classic is well-balanced and round everyday coffee that has been one of the most popular Senseo flavours for many years. Here you get a medium roast everyday coffee that comes with a classic straightforward and pleasant taste, and with its mild body ensures you don't feel overdosed with coffee, even after you've enjoyed a few cups up through the day.This coffee is UTZ certified, which guarantees that the coffee has been grown in an environmentally responsible way and under proper conditions for the coffee farmers. But, on top of that, it also comes in a compostable bag that can easily be thrown out with the kitchen waste.In other words, you get a straightforward classic everyday coffee with a mild and round body. It's a coffee that you'll return to cup after cup, and with its mild body can b