
  • €9.95
  • Delivery Time: 4-5 business days
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Condition: new


Next generation 3-phase power consumption meter

The Shelly Pro 3EM is a WLAN-powered, DIN-mountable 3-phase power meter with WLAN, Bluetooth and LAN connectivity.
With its active energy measurement accuracy to within 1%, the Shelly Pro 3EM can be used to individually monitor the consumption of all household appliances, power circuits and office equipment.
Historical data is stored for up to 60 days, with each phase having a one-minute resolution.
In addition, scripting capabilities allow execution of complex scenarios and provide advanced monitoring capabilities.

4-quadrant measurement
For measuring the capacitive and inductive load types of imported and exported active energy.

Accuracy class B (active energy)
The Shelly Pro 3EM has a measurement accuracy of 1%.

MODBUS support
Allows easy and fast deployment in existing industrial plants.

WLAN, LAN and Bluetooth connectivity.
Simultaneous Ethernet and WLAN usage. MQTT, inbound and outbound WebSocket, UDP, mTLS support.

Power grid monitoring
Simultaneous monitoring of single-phase electrical system with up to 3 outlets.
Fast notifications and at least 60 days of data storage in one-minute segments.

Scripting capabilities
Shelly Pro 3PM fully supports mjS scripting, which allows you to create additional functions and functionalities.

Commercial-grade security
Shelly Pro 3EM supports mTLS for MQTT, HTTP and secure outbound WebSockets.
Commercial-grade security enables direct connections to your cloud infrastructure and reduces the cost of deploying complex networks and VPNs.

3 x CT120 current transformers included.