
  • €9.95
  • Delivery Time: 4-5 business days
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Condition: new


GLORIA CO2 monitor with audible alarm, voice output and 10 years of service life
Since even before the outbreak of covid, people have become increasingly concerned about their own living environment. When indoors, we continuously emit carbon dioxide (CO2), so that the CO2 concentration increases and leads to a deterioration in air quality. Particularly in highly frequented interiors, such as classrooms, meeting or training rooms, kindergartens, restaurants etc., too high a CO2 concentration can quickly develop. A CO2 level of more than 1000 ppm (parts per million) can be perceived as unpleasant and lead to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. This is why carbon dioxide (CO2) detectors are already mandatory for indoor spaces in some countries.