The C.A 5003 is an analog multimeter at an affordable price that meets all the measurement needs of electricians.
Technical data:
- DC voltage: 100 mV to 600 V (8 measuring ranges)
- AC voltage: 10 V to 600 V (5 measuring ranges)
- DC current intensity: 50 µA to 15 A (7 measuring ranges)
- AC current intensity: 1.5 mA to 15 A (5 measuring ranges)
- Automatic zero setting
- control lamp ''Voltest'' when voltage is applied to the ohmmeter
- typical accuracy: 1.5
- internal resistance: 20 kOhm/V
- resistance: 10 kOhm and 1 MOhm
- acoustic continuity test: R < 50 Ohm
- dB scale (alternating voltage)
- control lamp for fuse
- dimensions: 160 x 105 x 56 mm
- weight: 500 g
- IP53 protected
Use with all equipment rated CAT III 600 V in accordance with IEC/EN 61010-1 Issue 2 or below.