
  • €2.99
  • Delivery Time: 2-3 days
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Condition: new


Among Café René's large selection of coffees, there is of course room for all the coffee classics, including this lungo.Café René has 3 lungos in their range, which share a taste and character, but which come in different degrees of strength, from mild to strong.Lungo Forte is Café René's strong variety, and is created for all those who like a good cup of strong coffee. Just as coal and oil fuelled the industrial revolution, a good cup of strong coffee is a source of new energy, fuelling you for the day ahead.Café René Forte is created from exquisite dark roasted Arabica and Robusta beans, which give the coffee a rich and complex taste. Here's a cup that will be a real pick-me-up, whether it's in the morning or in the afternoon that you need a shot of extra energy.Here is a good everyday coffee at a reasonable price, with a body that also goes nicely with milk and sugar. In short, this is a no-nonsense strong coffee.We deliver Café René Forte in an extra large packa