NCX22xx low-voltage comparators from NXP Semiconductors are comparators with open-drain outputs, single-supply or dual-supply and low power consumption. These comparators have a very low power supply of 5 µA or 6 µA and guarantee operation with a low voltage of 1.3 V. They are fully operational up to 5.5 V. This makes them easy to operate in both 3.0-V and 5.0-V systems. Typical applications include mobile phones, alarm and security systems and PDAs.
Main features
- Wide supply voltage range from 1.3 V to 5.5 V (functional range of applications)
- Rail-to-rail input/output performance
- Very low supply current of 5 µA or 6 µA (typical) per comparator
- Very low power consumption
- No phase inversion with overdriven input signals
- Internal hysteresis
- Delay time of 0.8 µs (typical)
- ESD protection:
- HBM JESD22-A114F Class 1C. Exceeds 1500 V
- or 2000 V (NCX2200, NCX2220)
- CDM JESD22-C101E exceeds 1000 V
- Multiple housing options
- Specified from -40°C to +85°C