Hockey Puck style SSR relay for heat sink mounting. Input voltage 230 V AC
1 NO contacts for 25 A, inrush current up to 300 A for 10 ms, switching load voltage range 48 to 600 V AC, zero-pass switch, lamp loads: Incandescent and halogen lamps 2000 W, energy-saving lamps 800 W, LED (230 V AC) 800 W, NV halogen lamps or LED with ECG 800 W, NV halogen lamps or LED with KVG 1000 W, fluorescent lamps with ECG 2000 W, fluorescent lamps with KVG 1000 W, minimum switching current: 120 mA at 250 V AC, heat output at: 40 W, max. periodic blocking voltage: 1200 Vpk, residual current at 250 V (typical): 10 mA. Voltage resistance input to output (1,2/50 µs) 5.6 kV. Ambient temperature: -30 to +80 °C.
Relay protection class: IP 20. Version: With LED. Dimensions: Length = 57.7 mm, width = 44.5 mm, height = 36.4 mm