Book - More fun with ASURO, Volume 2
It’s finally here! The long-awaited “More fun with ASURO, Volume 2” is ready to order!
Anyone who liked volume 1 of this series can increase both their technical background knowledge with this book and build on the possibilities presented by the small robot with the three extensions illustrated.
The first section deals with the use of ASURO’s wheel sensors — the odometers. Navigation is then indicated using two optical triangulation sensors. An introduction to modular programming in C follows, using the example of a universal library for infrared communication. Chapters 5 and 6 explain how the I2C-bus works and show how it can be used to connect a small LCD display with three buttons to ASURO. The final two chapters describe the use of operational amplifiers and an expansion board to locate sources of heat.
As always, in addition to calculation exercises and puzzles on the topic, along with the solutions, the book also contains the appropriate boards.