A caffè latte is a popular choice in cafés all over the world, and something you can easily and quickly brew at home. café latte has been known for decades in Italy, but enjoyed a renaissance in the 1990s, spreading around the world after a well-known Seattle-based coffee chain put it on their menu.With a café latte you always get a very creamy coffee. This is because the milk content in a Latte is extra high, and is blended with its espresso base, in contrast to the cappuccino, where the milk sits as a separate layer atop its espresso base.This is a coffee that is well suited for those who enjoy very creamy coffees, and also those who want to enjoy a slightly milder coffee in the afternoon.A Latte is also good for new coffee lovers, who are not quite ready for a regular black coffee.We deliver it in a bag with 8 pods at an attractive price, and always lightning fast and right to your doorstep.