
  • €9.95
  • Delivery Time: 6-8 business days
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Product Condition: new


99.99% disinfection performance against viruses and bacteria: High-Power SMD UVC LEDs G35 Series from LITEON
Powerful and energy-efficient LEDs with UV light for disinfection applications and sterilisation against bacteria and viruses.

• Radiant power: 21 mW (@100 mA)
• Color: UV-C
• Lens: clear
• Angle of view: 120
• dimensions: 3.45x3.45x1.78mm

• air purifiers
• Suction robots
• air conditioning systems
• medical technology


Avoid eye contact. The wavelength range is not visible to the human eye, but is highly energetic and can damage them.