The theremin was the first music synthesizer. Junior Theremin is a smaller version of this classic electronic instrument. Move your hand toward and away from the wire antenna, then the theremin reacts by changing the pitch of the note played. The device can play individual notes as well as vary the tone of a single note.
How it works
The Junior Theremin is a smaller version of this classic electronic instrument. It is played without touching it at all. Move your hand toward and away from the wire antenna, then the theremin reacts by changing the pitch of the note played. The Junior Theremin has two operating modes: Continuous mode and discrete mode. After inserting the battery, the Junior Theremin is in continuous operation. Press both push buttons simultaneously to switch between both operating modes. In discrete mode, as the name suggests, individual or discrete notes are played, and no continuously variable tone is played. There are eight notes over a single octave. In discrete mode, the pitch of the notes can be changed using both push buttons. Use the left (-) pushbutton to lower the pitch, and the right (+) pushbutton to increase the pitch. You must hold down the keys to change the pitch. In continuous operation, these buttons do not work.
9V battery not included, please order separately.