Microchip's ARM®-based SAM7S128 is a member of the SAM7S series of flash microcontrollers based on the 32-bit ARM7TDMI RISC processor. It operates at a maximum speed of 55MHz and features 128KB of flash memory and 32KB of SRAM. The peripheral set includes a Full Speed USB device and PHY at 12Mbps, UART, two USARTs, TWI (I2C), SPI, SSC,PWM timers, three 16-bit timers, RTT, 8x10-bit ADC and 32 IO lines. It achieves single-cycle instruction access from embedded flash at 27 MIPS.The multi-layer bus matrix, multiple SRAM banks, PDC, and DMA support parallel tasks and maximize data throughput. The SAM7S128 operates from 1.65V to 3.6V and is available in 64-pin LQFP and QFN packages.
Additional Features
• Microcontroller Features
• Core
- ARM7TDMI® ARM® Thumb® Processor 32-bit RISC Architecture
- High-density 16-bit Instruction Set
- EmbeddedICE™ In-circuit Emulation, Debug Communication Channel Support
• Memories
- 128 Kbytes, Organized in 512 Pages of 256 Bytes (Single Plane)
- 32 Kbytes embedded SRAM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Speed
- Memory Controller (MC)
- Memory Protection Unit
• System
- Embedded 1.8V Regulator, Drawing up to 100 mA for the Core and External Components
- Based on Power-on Reset Cells and Low-power Factory-calibrated Brownout Detector
- Low-power RC Oscillator, 3 to 20 MHz On-chip Oscillator and One PLL
- Power Management Controller (PMC)
- Advanced Interrupt Controller (AIC)
- Two-wire UART and Support for Debug Communication Channel interrupt, Programmable ICE Access Prevention
- 20-bit Programmable Counter plus 12-bit Interval Counter
- Windowed Watchdog (WDT)
- Real-time Timer (RTT)
- 32 Parallel Input/Output Controllers (PIO)
- Eleven Peripheral DMA Controller (PDC) Channels
- Four High-current Drive I/O lines, Up to 16 mA Each
• Package
- 64-lead LQFP
- 64-pad QFN
• Peripheral Features
- One Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC)
- Two Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters (USART)
- One Master/Slave Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPI)
- One USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbits per second) Device Port
- One Three-channel 16-bit Timer/Counter (TC)
- One Four-channel 16-bit PWM Controller (PWMC)
- One Two-wire Interface (TWI)
• Analog Features
- One 8-channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter, Four Channels Multiplexed with Digital I/Os
• Fully Static Operation
- Up to 55 MHz at 1.8V and 85°C Worst Case Conditions
- Up to 48 MHz at 1.65V and 85°C Worst Case Conditions
• Debugger Development Support
- SAM-BA - Interface with SAM-BA Graphic User Interface
- IEEE® 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan on All Digital Pins