Description Features: Volume: 1 ml Strain: Amnesia THP420 content: 79 % Aroma: herbal, pepper, fennel THC free Manufacturer: CanalogyKřimická 809/5318 00 Plzeň 3-SkvrňanyCzech Republic Products have undergone extensive laboratory analysis to ensure the absence of synthetic cannabinoids. We prioritize quality and safety in products to provide you with the best experience possible. Note: Store in a dry place. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Not recommended for use by minors or non-smokers. Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. May cause drowsiness. Use may be contraindicated with certain medications; consult a healthcare professional prior to use. Not intended for direct consumption or smoking. Notice to buyers: The product is considered goods in a sealed package that, once opened by the consumer, cannot be returned for hygienic reasons. Therefore, withdrawal from the purchase contract is not permitted. In compliance with applicable regulations, when selling smoking aids and electronic cigarettes online, the seller is required to verify that the purchaser is at least 18 years of age.